Mobile Outdoor Cinema in the Philippines – Preview

By przeczytać polskojęzyczną wersję wpisu >>>KLIKNIJ TUTAJ<<<


Not many people in the Western world realize that most children in the Philippine countryside have never seen a cinema screen with their own eyes. We’re currently on a mission to change that and so decided to organize a mobile outdoor cinema in Siquijor, the island that became our home a while ago, and possibly beyond. Touring the island with a projector and audio equipment apart from entertainment is meant to provide educational features as well, mostly in the field of environmental protection and animal welfare. We believe there is quite a lot to do in these topics.


This is a joint venture with a friend of ours equally in love with Asia in general and the Philippines in particular. We’ve lived here a few years now and the country as a temporary home has offered us so much that it is only natural to reciprocate and this is yet another initiative in this spirit. Previously, we were involved in disaster relief and assistance efforts directed at victims of Typhoon Yolanda which devastated the Philippines in November 2013, participated in initiatives aiming at environmental education and during the school year regularly take part in beach clean ups with the kids from a nearby school.


We are currently collecting funds via a Polish crowd funding site Polak Potrafi. They will be used for the purchase of equipment and to cover transport costs and will allow to reach even most remote villages (or barangays as they are locally called). We have just smashed minimum threshold in style with following in sight. Further plans involve trips to neighboring islands where electricity is scarce and so a power generator needed.


If all goes well funds will be available to us in mid-June just at the start of the new school year in the Philippines. That’s when we’d like to go ahead with the implementation of the project. Regular updates will be made available to you both here and via Facebook. If you have any suggestions or would like to help, feel free to contact us. Sharing this post will not hurt either, so please do.


Thank you for your attention and support, we will post updates as we go forward. Greetings from the Philippines and have a wonderful day, cheers.


By przeczytać polskojęzyczną wersję wpisu >>>KLIKNIJ TUTAJ<<<

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2 thoughts on “Mobile Outdoor Cinema in the Philippines – Preview”

  1. Kurde, Marych, szczal w stope, bo polak potrafi jest wylacznie po polsku… Mam tu inzynierow mieszkajacych na Filipinach, ale nie ogarna wplaty.

    1. Polak Potrafi wydawał się najsensowniejszym rozwiązaniem i chyba w sumie jest. Nie spodziewaliśmy się zainteresowania poza krajem, ale miło, że jest. Niech chłopaki dopingują mentalnie. Pozdrawiamy i dzięki za wsparcie :-)

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